Head Girl's Message
Head girl's Message
“Striving for mastery, hoping for victory keeping our aims and our ends in view never deterred by troubles we meet”
This lines have been profoundly imprinted on the minds and heart of all the school students. All through my school life I have always felt at home and now it saddens me to reach the final year. I believe if external motivation and other can’t inspire you, and you are the only one to inspire and motivate yourself.
first and fore most I express my earnest gratitude to the Heavenly God for his Benevolence and further Sr. Shanti our principal who had observed and recognized my capabilities and capacities thus giving me responsibility to serve and shoulder the school office warmly. This indeed is a golden opportunity to inculcate values, harmony and to make a positive way of shift. I am immensely Obliges to my teachers for making me a dynamic as being head girl.
Having firm belief, I fully dedicate myself and do enthusiastically in serving the institution.
As a head girl I promise my Institution to serve it by breaking my own record and exceeding my own limit of sincerity, honesty and dedication.
-Rahath Sherani
Head Girl